Neighbourhood Area Boundary

NEW! check out our National Statistics – Census 2021 for Finsbury Park + Stroud Green Neighbourhood Forum Area (HERE)

The Finsbury Park and Stroud Green Neighbourhood Area boundary is shown below, with options to turn on or off the boundaries of Haringey, Hackney and Islington Borough Councils. (accuracy down to 0.5m)

How Did We Derive This Boundary?

The boundary was determined using several criteria, e.g. asking residents at street stalls in different locations around the area and at the various local events in 2017. We also did some door-knocking to get the views of residents living near the potential boundary.

We had over 1,200 responses from local residents and workers.

The questions we asked the residents were “what would you call the local area where you live?” followed by “do you feel that it is part of Finsbury Park?”.

We also walked the boundary options to consider building / urban character and fit.

A document of the “Neighbourhood Area Study” process is available to DOWNLOAD

Last updated 16 March 2022 LS