First Design Day for the Neighbourhood Plan

First Design Day for the Neighbourhood Plan

As part of our work writing a design code for the area around Finsbury Park Station we are holding a Design Day on 8th October. This is an all day (from 10:00 to 17:00) workshop that will look at ways to improve the area. Our consultants, ImaginePlaces, will provide models and maps for discussion. 

Numbers are limited and it is important that you book (contact us here) by 30th September.

We have been seeking the views and ideas from the public around the station. More of these sessions are planned and we welcome assistance from members! The information from the public engagements and from the online questionnaire will guide the discussions on the design day.

Finsbury Park & Stroud Green Neighbourhood Forum is a voluntary group of residents and people who work in the area that started in 2015. In 2018 Hackney, Haringey and Islington Council officially recognised us and we are developing a Neighbourhood Plan with statutory planning policies for the area. Our aim is to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan that after several rounds of consultation and a resident vote/ a referendum will become part of the planning policy for the area in all three boroughs. Please visit our website where you can find out more, join us and do follow us on Twitter!

We are also developing design rules / codes for the area around the station as significant new development is likely to occur there over the next decade or so. The Department for Levelling Up, Homes and Communities announced a pilot programme for groups across England interested in design codes. We applied and are one of 25 groups chosen for the pilot (only four Neighbourhood Forums were selected). Our design code will be for the area around the station. Funding for the pilot has enabled the Forum to commission ImaginePlaces and her team to help us.

A design code specifies rules that are expected to be followed in a planning application for development. It can also deal with many things in the public realm. We aim to align well with TfL’s and Network Rail’s aims around improved user experiences. We hope our design code will eventually make the Station Quarter a much more pleasant, vibrant and healthy place for residents, businesses, bus users, cyclists and visitors alike.

As part of the programme, we have been asking members of the public for their views and ideas for the Station Quarter. These ideas will feed into creation of the design code. The design workshop will build models and mapping to explore possibilities for the area.

Places are limited to 40 so booking is essential. Those unable to attend are most welcome to join us on Zoom on 19 th October. The 8 th October workshop is on the second floor of 113-115 Fonthill Road. There is a lift at the rear of the building. Please let us know if you wish to use it and we will send details of how to find it. (There will be signs posted.) The workshop will involve a walkabout to see some of the area. We will provide coffee/tea and a light lunch suitable for vegans. We are very grateful to Space4/Outlandish for use of the room and facilities. We look forward to meeting you.

Finsbury Park & Stroud Green Neighbourhood Forum and ImaginePlaces

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3 Comments so far

R HallidayPosted on7:33 pm - Oct 12, 2022

What time is the zoom meeting on 19th and how do people register for it?

WebmasterPosted on11:25 am - Oct 13, 2022

Can I get back to you on that! We’ll definitely email everyone ASAP

WebmasterPosted on3:26 pm - Oct 17, 2022

The email has been sent out to forum members (all 500 of them). If you’re not a forum member, you need to sign up and I can send it to you.

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